全片充斥着一股明媚的忧伤字幕标注的章节记录着绝症少女生命倒计时米拉站台初见摩西时的心动至摩西见到她头戴金发在舞池里摇曳时的动情再到最后用枕头寻死无果国产熟妇人妻ⅩXXXX麻豆网站脱落感受亲密天亮平静离开的哀伤父母尽力维持婚姻守护女儿最后时日饭桌上父亲拍下女儿的笑脸米拉和母亲的合奏多希望时间能在这一刻静止Moses is not a bad boy but brings heaven to Milla.
the silence, the twilight, the bowl of strawberries, the bowl of milk. Your faces in the evening light. Mikael asleep, Jof with his lyre. I shall try to remember our talk. I shall carry this memory carefully in my hands as if it were a bowl brimful of fresh milk.